Franking Machine : Postage solutions for small business

Neopost’s postage meters can help speed up your mail processes whether you run a home office or an enterprise mailroom. Our solutions enable you to add sales messages to your envelopes and monitor and track your mail while reducing your overall postal expenditure.

How a franking machine can increase cash flow, control costs and improve efficiency?

Postage mailing machines for growing businesses, pack with powerful technology.
The Neopost IS-280 is the perfect stamping machine for up and coming businesses, offering sophisticated features in a compact package.
Convenient, Smart and Friendly For Growing Businesses. Growing businesses count on innovative productivity tools to keep their offices running smoothly. Neopost’s IS-350 professional franking system makes it simple to weigh, frank and send your mail.
Fast, efficient and flexible mail processing system to enhance communications. Easy to operate and convenient to use, this postage meter machine with whisper-quiet operations is fast and efficient. Plus, with the shortest boundary dimensions in its category, you’ll appreciate the sleek ergonomic design that easily integrates into your business environment.

An effective communication

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